Social Media

What is Social Media Marketing?

ZOOZ Digital excels at Social Media Marketing (SMM). In fact, we’ve conducted highly successful SMM campaigns for some of the largest celebrities and organisations in the country.

Encompassing the entire gamut of social media platforms to market products, services, brands, businesses and people online, SMM is no longer seen as experimental or a fad. Its effectiveness, as a key component of Internet marketing, has produced solid results that are both astonishing and unprecedented.

Facilitated by the explosion in social media user rates and the unique characteristics and capabilities of this platform, SMM is undoubtedly a tool that’s deeply entrenched in innovative business practice – and will continue to be in the future.

Social media embraces a wide spectrum of Web 2.0 based applications that are founded upon user created and shared content, some of which include social networking (e.g. Facebook), micro blogging (e.g. Twitter), blogging publishing (e.g. WordPress and Blogger), video images (e.g. YouTube and Flickr) and bookmarking (e.g. Digg and Delicious).

More than any other firm, ZOOZ Digital understands how important SMM is to a successful Internet marketing strategy. Experts in SMM, ZOOZ Digital helps business achieve real results, customised to your distinctive needs and leaving more time to concentrate on what you do best – business.

Social Media Strategy

Social Content Creation

Paid Social Advertising